These Three Trees

These three stunning trees are featured right here in our tree lot at Blooms! Let's learn a bit about each of them.

Kieffer Pear
Kieffer pears are sweet, crisp, and juicy. They are excellent for fresh eating, canning, preserves, and baking. These pretty pears are yellow with a red blush. Kieffer Pear trees are self-pollinating, are heat tolerant and cold hardy, adaptable, self-fertile, disease-resistant, and drought tolerant once established.
Once planted, you'll see fruits in 2-3 seasons.

Autumn Brilliance Serviceberry
In spring, you'll appreciate the delicate, fine-textured clusters of white flowers which simply cover this tree. This outstanding flower display is a wonderful harbinger of the growing season and supports the early nectar needs of beneficial pollinators.
Soon, you'll see the flowers give way to small green berries that gradually deepen into red. They finally mature a deep, rich purple in early summer.
Serviceberries look like large, dark blueberries. You'll get a sense of the flavor of the pretty, edible berries with the nicknames Sugarplum and Wild-Plum.

Lindsey's Skyward Bald cypress
Bald cypress are interesting and unique trees, looking like evergreens but they lose their foliage in the winter like other deciduous trees. Known as deciduous conifers, these have soft, rich-green foliage that looks like fine, almost feathery needles that turn coppery tones come fall.
Try using this specimen as a privacy screen, or you can plant two, one on either side of your garden path or front walkway. The dense narrow spire looks amazing in rows and loose hedges while the beautifully tiered upward-facing branches work as an impressive specimen planting.
Skinny growth habit means it's perfect for cottage gardens and places where there simply isn't enough room for a full-size tree. You can also plant it as an accent in your perennial garden bed to add a pop of texture.
Not taking up too much space in the landscape nor having an aggressive root system, this tree works well with other plants and won't ruin driveways or sidewalks. Also, the fibrous root system has no surface roots or knees like the larger cousins.