Do you enjoy delicious, juicy peaches, apples, pears or cherries?

You can have your own fruit trees whether you have a small or large yard.

Keep in mind to take care in selecting the planting site. Fruit trees require full sun (at least six hours of direct sun each day). They need good soil and drainage.  If fruit trees are planted in poorly drained soils, they will often die within a few years of planting. They grow well in soils with a pH of 6.0-7.5. Make sure you check with our staff to see what varieties are self-pollinators and what varieties need to be planted for cross-pollination.

On average fruit trees bear fruit as follows:

  • Apples - 4-5 yrs
  • Pear - 4-6 yrs
  • Peaches - 3-5 yrs
  • Plum - 3-5 yrs
  • Cherries - 3-5 yrs
Grapes 2

Small Fruits can provide you with some delicious eating year after year. Berries are packed with antioxidants.

BLOOMS carries:

  • Blueberries - They need full sun and very low pH balance. It takes 2-4 yrs to produce fruit. They often do better if they are cross-pollinated. The best time for planting is early to mid-spring.
  • Strawberries - Sun - they need full sun. Plant as soon as you can in spring since most blossoms set in early spring. Make sure the soil is well-drained.  Strawberries like soil that has been amended with compost. Space them out so there is room for their runners to spread. The first year pinch the blossoms to help the roots develop.
  • Raspberries - They prefer sandy, well-drained, organic soil with a pH around 5.8-6.5. They need 6-8 hours of sun. Plant them early in the spring. Don't plant near wild blackberries, potatoes or tomatoes. Straw mulch is excellent for weed control.
  • Grapes - Decide what you want from your grapes: Wine, Grape Preserves or Grape Juice - this will tell you what type of grapes to purchase. They need full sun, good drainage, but not overly dry. Plant grapes in early spring.  -
  • Rhubarb (technically a vegetable which prefers colder weather). Rhubarb likes about a square yard of space to grow. Place the crowns only 1-2" into the soil. Rhubarb doesn't do well in drought. Wait to harvest until the 2nd year.